YCA – Pop-Up at The Fox Inn
The first person I met at our pop-up at the Fox Inn no Holgate Road was none other than our MP for York Central Rachael Maskell! I didn’t need to tell her about the Community Conference as she is already coming to it despite the impending election. Then I got caught by a guy who is working in York on a temporary contract but who said how important it is to winkle out the hidden information and identify the vested interests. Some people are going to make a LOT of money out of York Central. Hmmm. I reckon if all the 25 or more community groups that make up the membership of York Central Action pool our information we will have a good idea of some the currents swirling beneath the water.
Chris Barrett (Friends of Holgate Community Garden) and I went round the pub’s four rooms – actually it was mainly Chris. People were happy to talk to us and there was a lot of interest in the community Conference. The man from the Bowling Club took posters to put up in the club house. Key issues – will there be affordable or social housing? No more offices please! Where IS the access road going to be? Is the council keeping too much in formation to itself?
James (Friends of West Bank Park and York Central Action committee)